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9 octobre 2007

Singapore History X

Singapore History X
Nothing much has been happening, I'm happilly preparing my Chinese midterm exam on thursday. Yesterday however, for the first time since I've been here, I witnessed Singaporean racial hatred in a surprising way. I didn't expect it since Singapore is well...
21 septembre 2007

Seiza (正座)

Seiza (正座)
Seiza (正座) 就是日本的一个特别坐姿。 去Akido只可以这样的坐。 如果想要正座的话,你需要首先把右腿弯曲,膝盖着地。 然后你要把左腿也弯曲,与右腿相同。 然后,坐在脚后跟上,并且保持左脚大拇指在右脚大拇指上面。 如果想这样坐着一分钟, 没有什么问题。但是两分钟之后疼痛会很剧烈。 五分钟后感觉好像地狱。 在老师讲授这个技术的时候, 我们默默地忍受了二十分钟。 这时我们都开始发抖,并且流汗。 终于, 我们可以站起来,可是疼痛却更厉害了,我感觉自己的脚完全无法支撑身体的重量。
25 août 2007

Kinder Surprise

Kinder Surprise
Les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Voici un des cadeaux qui nous ont été offerts à Run NUS. J'ai trouvé l'idée très ingénieuse, pour promouvoir une crème solaire.
21 août 2007

La télé des singapouriens.

Un simple reportage qui en dit long : La télé des singapouriens Uploaded by wanzea
21 août 2007

现在是鬼月吧 !!!

Last Sunday the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar began. It is traditionally called the ghost month ( 鬼月 ), because at this time the undead come out from the lower earth to visit us. Many rituals and celebrations are held during this month....
19 août 2007

10 Things I Hate About You

As I go through how much fun I’m having here in Singapore, it seems only fair to mention all the things I hate about it. The first thing that I hate is that this post may be censored if it ends up being "too radical" for some government censor's tastes....